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3 steps to increase your qualified lead count by at least 500% without going to networking events

January 06, 202415 min read


Alright so, I'm going to show you the 3 steps to increase your lead count by at least 500% without waiting for referrals or going to networking events.

This strategy was used by multiple agents over the last 12 months. Here were the results:

Shannon Gillette saw a 521% increase.

Jason Oppenheim saw a 480% increase.

Kimberlee Castaneda saw a 582% increase.

As a real estate agent, generating leads is hard.

Buyers and sellers are getting smarter, more connected and their attention spans are getting shorter while more agents are pushing more offers to them. Interest rates are driving down qualifications, and your competitors can swoop clients from right underneath your feet.

This means if you want to drive new business, your marketing needs to be on point and you need to break through the noise.

If you tried to redo your website, produce content, join referral programs, advertise online, or cold call, but still didn't get any results, don't worry, it's not your fault...

There is a lot information and tools out there that don't properly meet a real estate agents needs...

Most importantly, being an expert agent and a marketer at the same time is challenging. Very few agents can do both jobs effectively.

Who is this for?

Pay attention if you are:

1. Just starting out and are looking for ways to attract your core base of customers, or

2. You already have traction and you are looking for ways to accelerate growth

So, what can you do?

One thing is for sure: To build and grow a portfolio of mostly high net-worth clients, you must be able to predictably generate highly qualified and engaged leads online.

And according to our research, case studies and results:

The best way to do this is with something called a lead magnet and authoritative content.

Currently the only lead magnets available to real estate investors is Get Marketed or custom solutions.

So this is the key concept. If you don't know what a lead magnet is, just stick around and we will explain.

Who else is using this strategy?

This strategy has been successfully implemented by Ryan Serhant, The Altman Brothers, Oren Alexander, and many more agents.

Who are we and what makes us qualified?

Our team is made up of founders, CEOS and execs from DR Horton, Woodside Homes, and Patriot Contracting.

So with that out-of-the-way, let’s get into the juicy three steps.

Step #1 - Use “DM Me” to capture and qualify leads

Case Study: Before Shannon Gillette from Arizona was using Direct Messaging on her Instagram, she was generating 2% open rates per email. After she used a direct messaging phrases, she generated 88% open rates per message (on average). This was over a 500% increase.

How did she do it?

Before she started using direct messages, people were becoming leads but were not opening or being engaged by the emails and they were not turning into clients.

After she implemented the direct messaging phrases, he was able to attract and engage the viewer enough to capture information, qualify and warm up the prospects.

What's a DM phrase?

Think of it like a bait and treat - Buyers and sellers will message you a phrase to receive some sort of value.

With Shannon Gillette, the bait was her event tickets, the phrase was “EVENT” and the message sequence was already pre-scheduled and was ready to be sent out on autopilot…

The point is this: you need to get your leads to open your messages in order to book them for a showing. The best way to do that is with a well-thought-out automated direct message sequence.

In fact, the difference between a generic email and a well-written DM can be as drastic as 1000%.

Will high net worth people open a direct message?

Yes! These high-net-worth buyers and seller more than likely scrolling on social media to keep their finger on the pulse and enjoy proving how smart they are.

They also want to see what types of information you post so they can evaluate your knowledge.

Are direct messages compliant?

Yes, your broker will almost always approve this type of lead magnet. Just ask them…

Do you need a well-designed profile to get results?

Not at all. Obviously a well-designed profile will increase results, but you will still get meaningful results without a beautiful page - it just needs to be presentable.

So this is the first step: If you use direct messages to capture and engage leads, you will significantly increase your overall open rate.

Okay, let's get to step 2.

Step #2 - Use Automated Messages to Generate Free Clients

How do you get free, qualified clients?

Answer: Strategically follow-up using Artificial Intelligence.

Jason Oppenheim from The Oppenheim Group used this strategy to go from $1M to $10M+/yr in Sales in 12 Months and increased his client count by 500% without changing anything other than his Direct Messaging Phrase.

If you can follow this method, you could get similar results.

How did he do it?

He used AI to send messages for 6 months to leads from Instagram; nurturing them until his leads were ready to buy or sell.

Here's what AI wrote in one of his messages:

"Hey (name}, I know you don't remember me, but I help people like you move out of your current home into your dream home. My results and track record are very strong. I’ll leave my calendar link to see if we can break the ice.”

Homebuyers and sellers would remember him, then visit his booking calendar. This traffic yielded high-quality clients with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

The point is this: you can combine AI with Direct Messaging to nurture a lead until they are ready to buy or sell on autopilot – all you need to do is consistently post content.

Are buyers and sellers really on Instagram?

Yes. If there is any social network a high-net-worth person is using, it's LinkedIn. They are creeping on competitors, learning about new opportunities and "keeping their finger on the pulse".

Do cold outreaches actually work?

Yes. The trick is you just need to give context and provide value in the first interaction... Just like any cold outreach, the value you give is extremely important.

Does this take a lot of time?

Not at all. It only takes 20 minutes a day to connect with the right amount of people.

You can even hire your intern or assistant to do it for you.

What does your Instagram Profile need to communicate?

You just need to have a clean, informative profile that links to your booking calendar. The profile will intrigue the person enough for them to go visit your calendar.

Secret #3 - Re-Engage leads using retargeting

Want to get warm leads to convert into clients for pennies?

Here's the secret: Use authoritative content to attract and engage your visitor, then hit them with your retargeting ads.

Kimberlee Castaneda from Texas used this strategy to go from 1-2 qualified clients a month to 10 highly qualified clients a month.

How did she do it?

She would find engaging content and she would run it as an ad on Instagram.

She would overlay her own tracking code on his Instagram profile using something called Retargeting Pixel by Get Marketed.

Visitors would engage with his ad, then click on her Instagram profile to see who she was. From there, she started to re-advertise to those profile visitors using ads that follow them around the internet.

It's clever, efficient, and powerful.

The point is this: Use authoritative content to attract and engage visitors, then nurture them with your retargeting ads.

Does retargeting really work to generate leads?

Yes. You just need to find great content, then let your strong call to action DM Phrase at the bottom do the selling for you.

Is finding great content hard?

Not really. You can easily find great content on your favorite influencer’s profile. You can also create your own too if you have time.

Is retargeting compliant?

Yes, retargeting is okay. Just use your compliance flow to check if your content passes.

How often should you post content?

You should post at least once a week. However, if you are pumping out really high-quality content, then you should post multiple times a week. Just keep it high-quality.

How do you get similar results?

You could:

1. Hire a development shop and spend months building your own sequences and AI lead nurturing tool,


2. Use Get Marketed and save a hefty amount of time and money.

Again, here are some positive case studies along with quotes:

Shannon Gillette from Arizona went from 0 to 50k+ followers in 12 Months. "The results speak for themselves. This is one of the best solutions out there."

Jason Oppenheim from California went from 0 to 50k+ followers in 12 Months using content and the retargeting. "Thanks, Quentin. Your product has helped me generate meaningful business. I am happy to be a case study."

Kimberlee Castaneda from Houston went 0 to 50k+ followers in 12 Months without spending any extra time. "It took a little time to figure out, but once I did, I saw how powerful this was. Thanks."

Will this really work for you?

Yes, this is just a digital marketing tool. It might sound a little foreign right now, but it works. Just trust the process and get the results.

In short, this will work for you if you are:

1. Just starting out and are looking for ways to attract your core base of customers, or

2. Looking for ways to accelerate growth

What are the take-home benefits of using Get Marketed?

- Capture more high-quality leads

- Close more real estate deals - since you are able to engage leads better

- Spend less time prospecting

- Spend more time doing your job

- Look more credible and trustworthy

- Get a better return on your marketing dollars

What is Get Marketed Lead Boost?

You can use this feature to capture and engage more high-quality leads on your instagram.

On the left is your old instagram without a strong followup.

On the right is your instagram with Get Marketed Lead Boost at the bottom.

Notice there is a clear response and call to action. This is what gets you the leads.

What DM Phrase templates do you offer?

1. Financial Preparedness Sequence - Use this sequence to gauge the needs of your prospects

2. The Investor Type Sequence - Use this sequence to determine investor type and propose solutions that match their personalities

3. The Impossible Shopper Sequence - Use this sequence to generate excitement and optimize lead capture rate

4. The Risk Assessment Sequence - Use this quiz to determine risk levels your prospects are comfortable with

5. Most popular: The Financial Health Calculator

What do you get, exactly?

1. You get Get Marketed Custom DM Phrase Capture Tool

2. You get the Get Marketed AI Lead Nurturing Tool

3. You get Get Marketed Retargeting Ads (Only 200 slots per month available)

Can I try it for free?

Yes. We are offering a 30-Day-Money-Back-Guarantee.

During this trial, you get full access to the product and you get full access to our team.

What happens if it doesn't work for me?

We offer a 30-Day-Money-Back- Guarantee - If you don’t increase your client count by 20% - you don’t pay us (you just pay for the ads)

What Happens if I wait?

Everyday you don't have a clear call to action and lead capturing mechanism, you are losing business and leads. Also, if you wait, you won't get the complimentary training call worth $500.

How long are you offering it at this price?

Prices are scheduled to increase by 50% February, 2024.

What happens if this doesn't work for me?

If this doesn't work for you, just get your money back - No harm no foul...

Are there any long term contracts?

No, everything is month-to-month. You can cancel anytime before your trial ends and you will not be billed.

Let's sum up this offer:

Unlimited access to the Sequences and AI Lead Nurturing Tool ($20,000 value).

Complimentary Training Call (a $49/mo value).


30-Day-Money-Back-Guarantee After Trial (60 days risk free)

In-Depth Support

No Contract (cancel anytime)

No Cancellation Charges

Instead of paying $20,000 for custom solution, you get everything for just $1599/mo.

For only 200 customers per month, we are providing complimentary training calls, worth $500.

If you wait and this offer expires, you will have to pay the $500 for the training call. So click the link to see if the free training spots are still available.

See if it will work for you. If it doesn't for whatever reason, you get your money back. There is no risk. You have nothing to lose. Just give us one shot to prove the value to you.

Click the link below to start your free trial.

Is the Lead Boost a separate charge?

No. We include your ad spend in the monthly price.

What if you don’t use my entire ad budget for the month?

We will place those unused funds toward your next month of ads.

Will my card be billed if you go over budget with ads?

We connect our billing details to your Facebook ad account so you can’t overspend.

Will people engage with the messages?

Yes. We spent months researching and testing and provided the insights to you in the templates. These templates will give you the best shot at converting a visitor into an engaged lead.

You can always change up the messaging if you want to change the angle for your niche.

Is it hard to set up?

No, it's very easy. All you need to do is have an Instagram account, Facebook Page, and a FaceBook ad account. It will only take us 1 day max to set up.

Will this integrate into your other CRMs or software?

Yes, of course. You don't have to worry. It easily integrates into the most common tools you already using.

Can you change the questions and messaging?

Yes, all the quizzes are completely customizable. Just change the questions or messaging to fit with your brand.

What is the AI lead nurturing tool?

You can use this tool to automate your messages on instagram.

Notice how your custom message is typed up different every time. This allows you capture more leads and not sound robotic.

Is this hard to use?

No, it's extremely easy. All you have to do is post like normal.

What if you don't have any content?

You can use 3rd party content, write your own or use your broker’s content. We can even create content for you for an additional fee.

What if you need help getting set up?

For a limited amount of customers (only 200 per month), we are offering complementary training calls, worth $500. We only have enough resources for 200 calls a month.

What's included in the training call?

During this call, we will help you get set up and show you the best practices.

How much did this cost to build?

We spent $1.5M building and testing this suite over a period of 3 years.

If you wanted to hire us to build you a custom solution, we would charge you a minimum of $20k...

How much does it cost to use?

Instead of charging $20k for a custom solution, we decided to price it at just $1549/mo - to make it available to more agents.

How many new clients will you get from this?

If you just got 1 client a year, this tool will pay for itself 10X over. However, many users are getting more than 1 client per year from this tool. Your results will be unique to you. If you have great content, you should see great results.

Is this tool compliant?

Yes, we haven't had any compliance departments reject this tool yet. None of the communication within the messages violate broker compliance guidelines.

What are the next steps?

Sign up using the link, then create your account. From there, you will schedule a training call with one of our team members. You just need to copy and paste the single line of code on your website.

What if you don't have budget for this solution?

This is a business development solution. This means that when you use it, you will get more clients - it's a tool that will give you an ROI. Think of it as an investment, not a cost. But we are giving you a 30 day guarantee to try it out anyway, so you are not risking anything.

Do you have to be technical to use this?

No. We designed the solution to make sure everyone is successful. We provide kick-off calls and support. Anyone who knows how to turn on their computer can use this product.

How do you generate traffic to your website?

You just need to share content on your social media profiles. You can use your own content, 3rd party content, or your firm's content. Use the Link Sharing Tool to overlay your quizzes on all of your content to drive leads and engagement.

What if your Instagram profile needs to be redone?

This marketing strategy will work even if your instagram is not perfect. Start with a strong call to action like a quiz and work your way up to building a great profile.

How should you present this to a friend or partner?

Use the trial and bring them results, first. Lead with proof and save everyone's time.

If it's so good why don't you become a real estate agent and use the strategy?

We could use this tool to build a rock solid real estate client book, however we compared that option to investing in a fast growing SaaS business and found that the SaaS model yielded a higher return for our investors.

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Quentin B. Smith

Quentin B. Smith is a best-selling author, veteran, and recognized motivational speaker on investing, and entrepreneurship. Quentin’s honest viewpoints on the economy and the middle class have made him a valuable resource in highly held publications as he urges people to go from Millennials to Millionaires. He currently resides in Las Vegas, NV with his friends, team, and cars.

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Get the answers you need to get more deals

What you learn:

- The well-known, but poorly understood way to get real estate leads that go to closing

- The little-known messaging that could make a huge difference by nurturing

- The friction-free selling system that completely changes everything

- Getting back to the fundamentals so you can grow your net-worth to $10M and beyond


How long does it typically take to complete a website design project with Quentin B. Smith?

The timeline for a website design project can vary depending on its complexity and the specific requirements of the client. However, as a general guideline, a standard website project can take approximately 4 to 8 weeks to complete. This includes the initial consultation, design concept development, revisions, development, testing, and final launch. Rest assured, we work diligently to meet agreed-upon deadlines and keep you informed throughout the process.

What sets Quentin B. Smith apart from other businessmen?

What truly sets us apart is our commitment to client satisfaction and our dedication to delivering personalized solutions. We take the time to understand your unique vision, goals, and challenges, and we tailor our designs accordingly. Our collaborative approach ensures that you're an active part of the creative process, and we strive to exceed your expectations at every stage. Additionally, our team's expertise in both design and development, combined with our SEO and digital marketing knowledge, allows us to provide comprehensive services that result in exceptional websites that not only look great but also perform exceptionally well.

Do you offer ongoing website maintenance and support after the project is completed?

Yes, we offer ongoing website maintenance and support services to ensure that your website remains up-to-date, secure, and optimized. Our post-launch support includes regular software updates, security checks, and content updates as needed. We understand that your website is a dynamic asset, and we're here to assist you in keeping it running smoothly. Our goal is to build long-term relationships with our clients, and our maintenance services are an integral part of that commitment to your success.

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